Daily Current Affairs June 21

Dear Champions, as you all know that a lot of competitive exams have been notified consequently. Candidates have to prepare themselves according to the level of competition and expectation of the Recruitment board. Regarding that one of the most important topic is Daily Current Affairs June 21. Current Affairs in the form of contemporary events of national & international play a crucial role in almost every competitive exams like Banking, Insurance, SSC, UPSC, TNPSC, Railway etc.

Current affairs are the most dynamic yet scoring among all sections and need to be prepared from the right source. Here, we cafunsta team, providing  Daily GK Updates, Current Affairs Questions, and Monthly  current affairs pdf.


June 21 | Daily Current Affairs 2024

Important Days – Daily Current Affairs June 21

1. What is the theme for the International Day of Yoga 2024?
A) Yoga for Peace and Harmony
B) Yoga for Health and Wellness
C) Yoga for Self and Society
D) Yoga for Unity and Balance
E) Yoga for Physical and Mental Well-being
Answer: C) Yoga for Self and Society

Event and Location:

  • Event: International Day of Yoga 2024
  • Location: Celebrated globally

Mandates and Objectives:

  • Mandates: Raise awareness about the benefits of practicing yoga
  • Objectives:
    • Promote the practice of yoga worldwide
    • Highlight the holistic approach of yoga to health and well-being
    • Encourage individuals to make healthier lifestyle choices

Important Terms Explained:

  • Yoga: An ancient physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in India, symbolizing the union of body and consciousness. It integrates the body, mind, spirit, and soul, offering a holistic approach to health and well-being.
  • International Day of Yoga: An annual event established by the United Nations to promote the practice of yoga globally, celebrated on June 21st.

Static GK Information:


United Nations (UN):

  • Proclaimed International Day of Yoga: 11 December 2014
  • Resolution Number: 69/131

Tabular Summary:

Key Detail Description
Event International Day of Yoga 2024
Date June 21, 2024
Theme “Yoga for Self and Society”
Origin of Yoga India
Meaning of ‘Yoga’ Derived from Sanskrit, meaning to join or unite
UN Proclamation December 11, 2014, by resolution 69/131
Proposed by India, first introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Objective of the Day Raise awareness of the benefits of practicing yoga
Global Endorsement Endorsed by 175 member states

2. What is the primary reason for celebrating the International Day of the Celebration of the Solstice on June 21?
A) To mark the beginning of winter
B) To promote global trade
C) To acknowledge the unity of cultural heritage and traditions
D) To celebrate technological advancements
E) To honor national holidays
Answer: C) To acknowledge the unity of cultural heritage and traditions

Event and Location:

  • Event: International Day of the Celebration of the Solstice
  • Date: June 21

Mandates and Objectives:

  • Mandates: Celebrate the solstice and its cultural significance
  • Objectives:
    • Recognize the solstice as a symbol of cultural heritage and traditions
    • Strengthen ties among people through mutual respect and ideals of peace
    • Promote the harmonious interaction among diverse cultural identities

Important Terms Explained:

  • Solstice: An astronomical event occurring twice a year when the Sun reaches its most northerly or southerly day-arc relative to the equator. The Summer Solstice occurs around June 21, marking the longest day of the year, and the Winter Solstice occurs around December 21, marking the shortest day of the year.
  • Equinox: An astronomical event occurring twice a year when the Sun is directly above the equator, resulting in equal duration of day and night. The Spring Equinox occurs around March 20, and the Autumnal Equinox occurs around September 23.
  • Cultural Heritage: The legacy of physical artifacts and intangible attributes inherited from past generations, maintained in the present, and bestowed to future generations.

Static GK Information:


United Nations (UN):

  • Established the International Day of the Celebration of the Solstice to recognize the cultural significance of the solstices and equinoxes.

Tabular Summary:

Key Detail Description
Event International Day of the Celebration of the Solstice
Date June 21
Primary Reason Acknowledge the unity of cultural heritage and traditions
Significance Solstice symbolizes fertility, agricultural systems, and cultural traditions
Key Quote “Embodiment of the unity of cultural heritage and centuries-long traditions”
Types of Solstice Summer Solstice (June 21), Winter Solstice (December 21)
Types of Equinox Spring Equinox (March 20), Autumnal Equinox (September 23)
Cultural Celebrations Fire festivals in the Pyrenees, various global holidays

3. What is the primary objective of World Music Day celebrated on June 21?
A) To promote global trade
B) To celebrate national holidays
C) To advocate for music and encourage public performances
D) To launch new music technologies
E) To commemorate historical events
Answer: C) To advocate for music and encourage public performances

Event and Location:

  • Event: World Music Day 2024
  • Location: Celebrated globally

Mandates and Objectives:

  • Mandates: Promote the universal language of music
  • Objectives:
    • Advocate for music
    • Encourage both amateur and professional musicians to perform in public spaces
    • Foster music appreciation

Important Terms Explained:

  • World Music Day (Fête de la Musique): An annual celebration on June 21 where people are encouraged to play music outdoors, promoting music as a universal language and strengthening community bonds.
  • Slogan ‘Faites de la musique’: A French phrase meaning “Make music,” encouraging public participation in music performances.

Static GK Information:

  • Origin:
    • Initiated in France in 1982 by Jack Lang, French Minister of Culture, and composer Maurice Fleuret
    • First celebrated on June 21, 1982, coinciding with the summer solstice

Tabular Summary:

Key Detail Description
Event World Music Day 2024
Date June 21
Primary Objective Advocate for music and encourage public performances
Origin France, 1982
Founders Jack Lang and Maurice Fleuret
Significance Promote musical diversity, community bonding, and universal music appreciation
Slogan ‘Faites de la musique’ (Make music)

4. What is the theme for World Hydrography Day 2024?
A) “Safe Seas, Safe Ships”
B) “Navigating the Future”
C) “Hydrographic Information – Enhancing Safety, Efficiency and Sustainability in Marine Activities”
D) “Oceans of Data”
E) “Maritime Mapping for All”
Answer: C) “Hydrographic Information – Enhancing Safety, Efficiency and Sustainability in Marine Activities”

Event and Location:

  • Event: World Hydrography Day 2024
  • Location: Celebrated globally, including in India by the Indian Naval Hydrographic Department (INHD)

Mandates and Objectives:

  • Mandates: Raise awareness about hydrography and its significance
  • Objectives:
    • Enhance knowledge of seas and oceans
    • Improve safety, efficiency, and sustainability in marine activities

Important Terms Explained:

  • Hydrography: The science of measuring and describing the physical features of oceans, seas, and coastal areas for navigation, engineering, and other purposes.
  • International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO): An international organization that works to ensure all the world’s seas, oceans, and navigable waters are surveyed and charted.
  • Indian Naval Hydrographic Department (INHD): The nodal agency in India responsible for hydrographic surveys and nautical charting.

Static GK Information:


SAGAR Initiative:

  • An acronym for “Security and Growth for All in the Region,” a policy framework by the Indian government to enhance maritime cooperation and security in the Indian Ocean Region.

Tabular Summary:

Key Detail Description
Event World Hydrography Day 2024
Date June 21
Theme “Hydrographic Information – Enhancing Safety, Efficiency and Sustainability in Marine Activities”
Organized By International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO)
Indian Participation Indian Naval Hydrographic Department (INHD)
INHD Contributions Published over 650 electronic and paper navigation charts, distributed 6.5 lakh electronic charts
Significant Initiative India WINS – Indian Warning Information and Navigation Services
Training Institute National Institute of Hydrography (NIH) at Goa

Obituary – Daily Current Affairs June 21

5. Which actor, known for his roles in “MAS*H,” “Klute,” and the “Hunger Games” films, has died at the age of 88?
A) Robert De Niro
B) Jack Nicholson
C) Al Pacino
D) Donald Sutherland
E) Anthony Hopkins
Answer: D) Donald Sutherland

Event and Location:

  • Event: Death of actor Donald Sutherland
  • Location: Passed away at the age of 88

Mandates and Objectives:

  • Mandates: Report the passing of a renowned actor
  • Objectives:
    • Inform about the death of Donald Sutherland
    • Highlight his significant contributions to film and television

Important Terms Explained:

  • Donald Sutherland: A versatile Canadian actor known for his roles in numerous films and TV series, spanning a career from the 1960s into the 2020s.
  • Notable Films:
    • “MAS*H” (1970)
    • “Klute” (1971)
    • “Ordinary People” (1980)
    • “The Hunger Games” series
  • Career Highlights: Known for his deep voice, piercing blue eyes, and versatility, Sutherland played a wide range of characters from romantic leads to villains.

Static GK Information:

  • Kiefer Sutherland: Son of Donald Sutherland, also a well-known actor.

Tabular Summary:

Key Detail Description
Actor Donald Sutherland
Age at Death 88
Career Span From the 1960s into the 2020s
Notable Films “MAS*H,” “Klute,” “Ordinary People,” “The Hunger Games” series
Known For Versatility, deep voice, piercing blue eyes, and playing a wide range of characters
Announcement Made by his son, Kiefer Sutherland, on social media

Ranking – Daily Current Affairs June 21

6. Where does India rank on the Energy Transition Index according to the latest report by the World Economic Forum (WEF)?
A) 45th
B) 72nd
C) 63rd
D) 89th
E) 100th
Answer: C) 63rd

Event and Location:

  • Event: Release of the Energy Transition Index
  • Location: World Economic Forum (WEF)

Mandates and Objectives:

  • Mandates: Assess and rank countries based on their energy transition
  • Objectives:
    • Evaluate the performance of countries in transitioning to sustainable energy systems
    • Promote best practices and policies to support energy transition globally

Important Terms Explained:

  • Energy Transition Index: An index that measures the performance of countries in transitioning to sustainable energy systems, considering factors such as energy security, environmental sustainability, and economic growth.
  • World Economic Forum (WEF): An international organization for public-private cooperation, known for its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, where leaders from various sectors discuss global economic issues.

Static GK Information:



  • Ranked 1st on the Energy Transition Index
  • Known for its strong policies and performance in sustainable energy practices

Tabular Summary:

Key Detail Description
Event Release of the Energy Transition Index
India’s Rank 63rd
Top Rank Sweden
Organization World Economic Forum (WEF)
India’s Focus Leveraging energy for income generation and supporting microenterprises through renewable energy
Key Highlight India’s efforts in productive use of renewable energy sources

Banking and Finance – Daily Current Affairs June 21

7. What milestone has SabPaisa achieved according to the latest announcement?
A) Launching a new product line
B) Receiving a major investment
C) Securing the Payment Aggregator license from RBI
D) Expanding to international markets
E) Partnering with a global fintech company
Answer: C) Securing the Payment Aggregator license from RBI

Event and Location:

  • Event: SabPaisa receives Payment Aggregator license
  • Location: India

Mandates and Objectives:

  • Mandates: To function as a Payment Aggregator under the Payments and Settlement Systems Act, 2007
  • Objectives:
    • Offer comprehensive payment aggregation services to merchants across India
    • Enhance its position as a premier fintech entity in the country

Important Terms Explained:

  • Payment Aggregator (PA): An entity that facilitates e-commerce sites and merchants to accept various payment instruments from customers for completion of their payment obligations, without the need for merchants to create a separate payment integration system of their own.
  • RBI (Reserve Bank of India): The central banking institution of India, which controls the issuance and supply of the Indian rupee and manages the country’s main payment systems.
  • Payments and Settlement Systems Act, 2007: An Act to provide for the regulation and supervision of payment systems in India and to designate the Reserve Bank of India as the authority for that purpose.

Static GK Information:



  • Established: 2016
  • CEO: Pathikrit Dasgupta
  • Services: Payment gateway solutions, Payouts, and Subscriptions

Tabular Summary:

Key Detail Description
Company SabPaisa (SRS Live Technologies Private Limited)
Achievement Securing Payment Aggregator license from RBI
License Granted By Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
Mandate Operate under the Payments and Settlement Systems Act, 2007
Key Quote “Securing the final approval from RBI marks a significant milestone for SabPaisa” – Pathikrit Dasgupta
Established 2016
Key Competitors Juspay, Razorpay, Stripe, neo-bank Open
Revenue Growth 2X increase and similar growth forecast for the current fiscal year


Appointments – Daily Current Affairs June 21

8. Who has been appointed as the new Chair of GWEC India?
A) Nitin Gadkari
B) Mukesh Ambani
C) Girish Tanti
D) Sundar Pichai
E) Ratan Tata
Answer: C) Girish Tanti

Event and Location:

  • Event: Appointment of Girish Tanti as Chair of GWEC India
  • Location: New Delhi, India

Mandates and Objectives:

  • Mandates: Lead and support the advancement of India’s wind energy sector
  • Objectives:
    • Collaborate with national and state governments
    • Support policy frameworks for both onshore and offshore wind energy
    • Enhance momentum in India’s wind energy sector

Important Terms Explained:

  • GWEC (Global Wind Energy Council): An international organization representing the wind energy sector globally, promoting the adoption and development of wind power as a key solution to the world’s energy needs
  • Suzlon Group: A leading wind turbine manufacturer in India, with a significant presence in the global wind energy market
  • Onshore Wind Capacity: Wind power installations located on land

Static GK Information:



  • Fourth-largest wind market in the world
  • Current onshore wind capacity: 46 GW

Tabular Summary:

Key Detail Description
Organization GWEC India
New Appointment Girish Tanti as Chair
Current Role Vice-Chairman of Suzlon Group and Vice-Chair of Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC)
India’s Wind Market Fourth-largest in the world with 46 GW of onshore wind capacity
Primary Objectives Collaborate with governments, support policy frameworks, enhance wind energy sector momentum
Key Quote “Foundational and transformative work can be done within the Indian Wind Energy sector”
GWEC CEO Statement Ben Backwell welcomed Tanti’s appointment, emphasizing continued collaboration with governments

9. Who has been appointed as the new Secretary of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI)?
A) Rajesh Kumar
B) Nandini Sharma
C) Atul Kumar Chaudhary
D) Sunil Gupta
E) Anil Kapoor
Answer: C) Atul Kumar Chaudhary

Event and Location:

  • Event: Appointment of new Secretary, TRAI
  • Location: New Delhi, India

Mandates and Objectives:

  • Mandates: Appoint a new Secretary for TRAI
  • Objectives:
    • Ensure the smooth functioning and regulation of telecom guidelines and policies
    • Steer new guidelines and policies within the telecom sector

Important Terms Explained:

  • TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India): An independent regulatory body established by the government of India to regulate the telecommunications industry in India.
  • Secretary of TRAI: The official responsible for overseeing the implementation of policies and guidelines within the telecom sector, ensuring compliance, and driving new initiatives.

Static GK Information:


Responsibilities of TRAI Secretary:

  • Steering new telecom guidelines and policies
  • Overseeing regulatory functions and compliance in the telecom sector

Tabular Summary:

Key Detail Description
Event Appointment of new Secretary, TRAI
Location New Delhi, India
New Secretary Atul Kumar Chaudhary
Previous Secretary V Raghunandan
Mandate Oversee implementation of telecom policies and guidelines
Key Responsibilities Steering new guidelines and policies in the telecom sector

Awards – Daily Current Affairs June 21

10. Why was Karnataka Vikas Grameena Bank (KVGB) honoured with a national award by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA)?
A) For exceptional customer service
B) For significant enrolment under Atal Pension Yojana (APY)
C) For launching a new digital banking service
D) For expanding its branch network
E) For introducing innovative financial products
Answer: B) For significant enrolment under Atal Pension Yojana (APY)

Event and Location:

  • Event: National award presentation for APY implementation
  • Location: New Delhi, India

Mandates and Objectives:

  • Mandates: Recognize and reward outstanding performance in APY enrolment
  • Objectives:
    • Increase enrolment in Atal Pension Yojana
    • Provide a safety net for informal sector workers

Important Terms Explained:

  • Atal Pension Yojana (APY): A government-backed pension scheme aimed at providing a steady income after retirement, primarily for workers in the unorganized sector.
    Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA): The regulatory body for pension schemes in India.
  • Karnataka Vikas Grameena Bank (KVGB): A regional rural bank sponsored by Canara Bank, focusing on rural banking and financial inclusion.

Static GK Information:


APY Enrollment Achievement:

  • KVGB enrolled 4,27,736 cumulative accounts under APY
  • Surpassed the annual target with 86,350 accounts against a target of 67,932
  • Achieved an average of 137 accounts per branch, the highest among all banks in South India

Tabular Summary:

Key Detail Description
Event National award for APY implementation
Location New Delhi, India
Recipient Karnataka Vikas Grameena Bank (KVGB)
Presented By Vivek Joshi and Deepak Mohanty
Achievement Exceptional enrolment under Atal Pension Yojana (APY)
Total APY Accounts Enrolled 4,27,736
2023-24 Enrollment Achievement 86,350 accounts against a target of 67,932
Average Accounts Per Branch 137, highest among all banks in South India

Defence – Daily Current Affairs June 21

11. What is the primary objective of the unified cyberspace doctrine unveiled by the Indian Armed Forces?
A) To promote cultural exchanges
B) To enhance strategic military operations in cyberspace
C) To increase the number of cyber personnel
D) To develop new cyber technologies
E) To improve traditional battlefield strategies
Answer: B) To enhance strategic military operations in cyberspace

Event and Location:

  • Event: Unveiling of the unified cyberspace doctrine by the Indian Armed Forces
  • Location: Chief of Staff Committee (COSC) meeting

Mandates and Objectives:

  • Mandates: Provide a cohesive framework for executing and understanding cyberspace operations
  • Objectives:
    • Enhance strategic military operations in cyberspace
    • Ensure well-coordinated and effective operations across the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force
    • Embed cyberspace operations into the national security framework

Important Terms Explained:

  • Cyberspace: A global domain within the information environment consisting of the interdependent network of information systems infrastructures, including the internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, and embedded processors and controllers.
  • Chief of Defence Staff (CDS): The senior-most uniformed military advisor to the Government of India, responsible for coordinating and integrating the efforts of the Indian Armed Forces.
  • Joint Doctrine: A comprehensive guide that provides strategic direction and operational guidelines for conducting operations in a specific domain, in this case, cyberspace.
    COSC (Chief of Staff Committee): A committee comprising the heads of the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force, responsible for ensuring jointness and integration among the armed forces.

Static GK Information:


Indian Armed Forces:

  • Comprising the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force
  • Chief of Defence Staff: General Anil Chauhan
  • Army Chief: General Manoj Pandey
  • Air Chief: Air Chief Marshal VR Choudhary
  • Navy Chief: Admiral Dinesh K Tripathi

Tabular Summary:

Key Detail Description
Event Unveiling of unified cyberspace doctrine
Location COSC meeting
Released By Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Anil Chauhan
Primary Objective Enhance strategic military operations in cyberspace
Key Participants Army Chief General Manoj Pandey, Air Chief Marshal VR Choudhary, Navy Chief Admiral Dinesh K Tripathi
Importance Addresses complexities of cyberspace, ensuring resilience against cyber threats
Significance Marks a pivotal moment in bolstering India’s cyber capabilities

International Affairs – Daily Current Affairs June 21

12. What was unveiled by Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe and Indian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar to boost maritime security ties between India and Sri Lanka?
A) A new naval base
B) A Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC)
C) A shipping line
D) A trade agreement
E) A new port
Answer: B) A Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC)

Event and Location:

  • Event: Unveiling of the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC)
  • Location: Sri Lanka

Mandates and Objectives:

  • Mandates: Enhance maritime security partnership between India and Sri Lanka
  • Objectives:
    • Boost maritime security in India’s southern neighbourhood
    • Strengthen security ties between the two nations

Important Terms Explained:

  • Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC): A center responsible for coordinating maritime search and rescue operations, enhancing the safety and security of maritime navigation.
  • Indian Housing Project: An initiative by India to support housing development in Sri Lanka, including the inauguration of 106 houses in Kandy, Nuwara Eliya, and Matale.

Static GK Information:


India-Sri Lanka Relations:

  • Collaborative efforts to enhance security and development in the region
  • India provides grants and support for various development projects in Sri Lanka

Tabular Summary:

Key Detail Description
Event Unveiling of the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC)
Location Sri Lanka
Unveiled By Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe and Indian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar
Grant Amount $6 million from India
Objective Boost maritime security in India’s southern neighbourhood
Additional Inaugurations 106 houses in Kandy, Nuwara Eliya, and Matale under the Indian Housing Project
Significance Enhances maritime security partnership and strengthens security ties between India and Sri Lanka

National Affairs – Daily Current Affairs June 21

13. What is the main goal of the HaRBInger 2024 hackathon hosted by APIX and the Reserve Bank of India?
A) To promote cultural exchanges
B) To develop solutions for enhancing security and inclusivity in the financial ecosystem
C) To increase tourism in India
D) To launch new banking technologies
E) To improve traditional banking practices
Answer: B) To develop solutions for enhancing security and inclusivity in the financial ecosystem

Event and Location:

  • Event: HaRBInger 2024 hackathon
  • Location: Organized by APIX and RBI, participation is global

Mandates and Objectives:

  • Mandates: Bring together innovators to develop solutions for the financial sector
  • Objectives:
    • Enhance the security and inclusivity of the financial ecosystem
    • Address critical issues such as real-time fraud detection, transaction anonymity, mule accounts, and financial inclusion for the differently-abled

Important Terms Explained:

  • APIX: A collaborative innovation platform for financial institutions and fintechs across over 90 countries, facilitating the discovery, testing, and evaluation of innovative solutions.
  • Reserve Bank of India (RBI): The central bank of India, responsible for regulating the Indian banking sector and promoting financial stability and innovation.
  • HaRBInger 2024 Hackathon: A global hackathon organized by APIX and RBI, focusing on creating innovative solutions to enhance security and inclusivity in financial services.
  • Financial Inclusion: Ensuring that all individuals and businesses have access to useful and affordable financial products and services.
  • Mule Accounts: Bank accounts used by criminals to launder money or facilitate illegal transactions.

Static GK Information:


Themes of HaRBInger 2024:

  • Combatting Fraud
  • Financial Inclusion for the Differently-abled


  • INR 40,00,000 (~USD 48,000) for the winner in each problem statement category
  • Special prize of INR 20,00,000 (~USD 24,000) for the best all-woman team

Tabular Summary:

Key Detail Description
Event HaRBInger 2024 hackathon
Organizers APIX and Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
Objective Develop solutions for enhancing security and inclusivity in the financial ecosystem
Themes Combatting Fraud, Financial Inclusion for the Differently-abled
Participation Open to individuals, teams, and enterprises globally
Prizes INR 40,00,000 for category winners, INR 20,00,000 for best all-woman team
Registration Start Date June 7, 2024
Phases of Hackathon Screening of entries, shortlisting for solution development, mentoring and support, selection of winners

14. What is the main objective of the GenAI for Leaders certification launched by upGrad in collaboration with Microsoft and IIIT Bangalore?
A) Promote general AI awareness
B) Launch a new AI software
C) Equip learners with the skills to apply AI in solving business problems
D) Train students in basic coding
E) Develop new AI hardware
Answer: C) Equip learners with the skills to apply AI in solving business problems

Event and Location:

  • Event: Launch of GenAI for Leaders certification
  • Location: Bengaluru, India

Mandates and Objectives:

  • Mandates: Provide advanced AI education to business leaders
  • Objectives:
    • Equip learners with the skills to assess, design, and transform business problems using AI
    • Apply acquired knowledge to real-life business situations

Important Terms Explained:

  • GenAI (Generative AI): A type of artificial intelligence that can generate new content, such as text, images, or music, based on the data it has been trained on.
  • upGrad: An online higher education platform offering industry-relevant programs in collaboration with leading universities and organizations.
  • Microsoft: A global technology company known for its software, hardware, and services, including AI solutions.
  • IIIT Bangalore (International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore): A prestigious institution in India known for its research and education in information technology and related fields.

Static GK Information:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): The simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans, used in various applications including business, healthcare, and technology.

Tabular Summary:

Key Detail Description
Event Launch of GenAI for Leaders certification
Location Bengaluru, India
Collaborators upGrad, Microsoft, IIIT Bangalore
Objective Equip learners to apply AI in solving business problems
Curriculum Focus Inclusive framework to assess, design, and transform business problems
Key Skills AI application in real-life business situations

15. Which university did Bharat 6G Alliance sign an MoU with to advance 6G research and development?
B) Stanford University
C) Oulu University
D) University of Cambridge
E) Harvard University
Answer: C) Oulu University

Event and Location:

  • Event: Signing of MoU for 6G research collaboration
  • Location: New Delhi, India

Mandates and Objectives:

  • Mandates: Establish a collaboration for advancing 6G research and development
  • Objectives:
    • Connect EU and Indian R&D companies, academia, and research institutions
    • Align R&D efforts in 6G and related technologies
    • Promote joint research initiatives

Important Terms Explained:

  • Bharat 6G Alliance: An alliance focused on advancing 6G technology and research in India.
  • 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (6G IA): An industry association dedicated to developing 6G technologies and networks.
  • Oulu University: A renowned university in Finland, recognized for its research in 6G technologies.

Static GK Information:

  • 6G Technology: The next generation of wireless communication technology, expected to offer significant improvements in speed, capacity, and connectivity compared to 5G.

Tabular Summary:

Key Detail Description
Event Signing of MoU for 6G research collaboration
Location New Delhi, India
Collaborators Bharat 6G Alliance, 6G IA, Oulu University
Objective Advance 6G research and development
Benefits Connect R&D companies, academia, and research institutions; promote joint research initiatives
Focus Areas 6G and related technologies

16. What is the main objective of the partnership between TCS and Xerox?
A) To launch new Xerox products
B) To move Xerox’s data centers to the Azure cloud
C) To enhance Xerox’s IT infrastructure and develop a cloud-first operating model
D) To build new Xerox offices worldwide
E) To develop new Xerox printing technologies
Answer: C) To enhance Xerox’s IT infrastructure and develop a cloud-first operating model

Event and Location:

  • Event: Partnership between TCS and Xerox
  • Location: Reported in New Delhi, India

Mandates and Objectives:

  • Mandates: Transform Xerox’s IT infrastructure
  • Objectives:
    • Move Xerox’s legacy data centers to the Azure cloud
    • Deploy a cloud-based Digital ERP platform
    • Integrate generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) into Xerox’s operations
    • Develop a cloud-first operating model

Important Terms Explained:

  • TCS (Tata Consultancy Services): A global IT services, consulting, and business solutions organization that partners with many of the world’s largest businesses.
  • Xerox: A multinational corporation known for its print and digital document products and services.
  • Azure Cloud: Microsoft’s cloud computing service for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers.
  • Digital ERP Platform: An integrated management system that uses digital technologies to streamline and automate core business processes.
  • Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI): AI systems that can generate new content, such as text, images, or code, based on training data.

Static GK Information:

  • Stock Market Impact: TCS shares were up by 1.31% to ₹3,836 following the announcement of the partnership.

Tabular Summary:

Key Detail Description
Event Partnership between TCS and Xerox
Objective Enhance Xerox’s IT infrastructure and develop a cloud-first operating model
Key Actions Move data centers to Azure cloud, deploy cloud-based ERP, integrate GenAI
TCS Shares Increased by 1.31% to ₹3,836 following the announcement
TCS Leadership Quote Amit Bajaj highlighted the transformation to a simpler, agile, and technology-led firm

Over All Review

Important Days

  • The theme for the International Day of Yoga 2024 is “Yoga for Self and Society,” emphasizing yoga’s holistic approach to health and well-being.
  • The International Day of the Celebration of the Solstice on June 21 acknowledges the unity of cultural heritage and traditions.
  • World Music Day, celebrated on June 21, advocates for music and encourages public performances by amateur and professional musicians.
  • World Hydrography Day 2024, themed “Hydrographic Information – Enhancing Safety, Efficiency and Sustainability in Marine Activities,” highlights the vital role of hydrography in marine activities.


  • Actor Donald Sutherland, known for his versatile roles in “MAS*H,” “Klute,” and “The Hunger Games,” has died at 88.


  • India ranks 63rd on the Energy Transition Index, with Sweden taking the top spot, according to the World Economic Forum.

Banking and Finance 

  • SabPaisa secures RBI’s Payment Aggregator license, enhancing its fintech capabilities and positioning it for significant growth.


  • Girish Tanti appointed as Chair of GWEC India to advance the country’s wind energy sector through strong leadership and collaboration with governments.
  • Atul Kumar Chaudhary has been appointed as the new Secretary of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI).


  • Karnataka Vikas Grameena Bank (KVGB) was honoured with a national award for exceptional enrolment under the Atal Pension Yojana (APY).


  • The unified cyberspace doctrine aims to enhance strategic military operations in cyberspace, ensuring well-coordinated and effective operations across the Indian Armed Forces.

International Affairs

  • Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe and Indian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar unveiled a Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) in Sri Lanka to boost maritime security ties.

National Affairs

  • The HaRBInger 2024 hackathon, organized by APIX and RBI, aims to develop solutions for enhancing security and inclusivity in the financial ecosystem.
  • upGrad collaborates with Microsoft and IIIT Bangalore to launch the GenAI for Leaders certification, aiming to equip learners with skills to solve business problems using AI.
  • Bharat 6G Alliance has signed an MoU with Oulu University to advance 6G research, connecting EU and Indian R&D efforts.
  • TCS partners with Xerox to enhance IT infrastructure, develop a cloud-first model, and integrate GenAI, boosting TCS shares by 1.31%.


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