Dear All… Greetings!!!!. I have cleared SBI JA  2021. This is my fourth attempt in SBI JA and I have been writing SBI and IBPS exams

since 2018.. I wish to convey some important factors to be included in preparation that will ensure your success.

1. Consistent efforts… Daily prepration time should be allocated for Eng, Reasoning and Quants section in Prelims and atleast 1 hr for CA section( Preparing for both prelims and mains simultaneously)

2. For prelims after strengthening basics, try quizzes in all 3 sections in various sites and apps.

3. Accuracy is the key factor in both stages. Never do guess work (mainly in english)

4. Never neglect English prepartion both in prelims and mains

5. Once you clear prelims and start preparing for Mains allocate seperate and equal time and importance for all 4 sections

6. Taking mains mock at regular intervals… I did 2 mocks a week and analysed the areas where I did wrong and noted down.(Do not spend too much time on analysis)

7. After mains mock, I allocated time for reasoning and ca – 1st day ; eng&ca – 2 nd day ; quantz and Ca – 3rd day in this pattern and did revision

8. CA revision– Revise atleast 3 times before exam . Revision with clarity is important

9. Do not rely solely on seating arrangement ,puzzles and DI in mains… Strengthen miscellaneous questions to certain level.

10. The order of  picking and attending questions is important… In both prelims and mains.

11. Mindset – Being cool minded is important… If a question seems difficult , skip immediately without wasting time and attend other questions…..

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