Computer Awareness Part 3 Funsta Team - August 10, 2021 0 Dear champions, Welcome to the Daily Current Affairs Quiz "Computer Awareness Part 3". Your total score and the points you scored will be displayed at the end of the Quiz or after the time out. 1. Which of the following is not correct? a) Thermo Meter uses Hybrid Signal b) Human voice uses Analog signal c) Computers uses Digital Signal d) Audio tapes uses Analog Signal e) Digital pens use Digital Signal 2. Which signal is/are called as Synthetic Signal in Data Communication? a) Analog Signal b) Hybrid Signal c) Digital Signal d) Both A&B e) Both A&C 3. Which one is correct regarding Half Duplex mode Communication channel? a) Can transmit information in 1 direction b) Can Transmit information in both Direction at same time c) Can transmit information in both Direction but not on same time d) Cannot transmit information e) None of the above 4. Choose the correctly matched Examples for various Communication channels a) Telephone- Half Duplex mode b) Walkie-Takie-Simplex mode c) Full Duplex mode-TV d) Radio Broadcasting-simplex mode e) Keyboard to computer connection-Full Duplex mode 5. In which type of Communication media data transmits through Cabling System that has a fixed path? a) Unguided Media b) Guided Media c) Wireless technologies d) Both B&C e) Both A&C 6. What are the Types of Guided Communication Media? a) Coaxial Cable b) Fibre Optic Cable c) Twisted pair Cable d) Except C e) All of the above 7. POF is the type of Fibre Optical Cable) what is the Expansion of P in POF? a) Platinum b) Processed c) Perplexed d) Plastic e) Purported 8. What is the range of Electromagnetic Frequency in Microwave Transmission? a) 0.3 to 300 MHZ b) 5 to 500 GHZ c) 3 to 300 MHZ d) 0.5 to 300 GHZ e) None of the above 9. Infrared Transmission refers, Energy in the region of the Electro magnetic Radiation Spectrum at Wavelength of? a) Visible light>Infrared<Radio Waves b) Infrared> Visible light>Radio waves c) Radio Waves<Infrared<Visible Light d) Visible light< Infrared<Radio Waves e) None is correct 10. Which of the below is not an Example for Satellite Communication? a) Ships b) Planes c) Wireless Speakers d) Except c e) Except B 11. Internet is the Example for Which type of Computer Network? a) LAN b) PAN c) MAN d) WAN e) None of the above 12. Signal boosters are the Network Devices operating at Which layer of OSI model? a) Network layer b) Tranport Layer c) Data link layer d) Physical Layer e) Application Layer 13. Which network Device Can connect multiple Networks? a) Hub b) Switch c) Modem d) Repeater e) Gateway 14. Which of the following Network Device Forwards the Data Packets? a) Hub b) Repeater c) Modem d) Router e) Gateway 15. Which network topology is also called as Completely Interconnected topology? a) Star network topology b) Ring network topology c) Star-bus network topology d) Mesh network topology e) Tree network topology 16. What is the Connectivity Range for Local area Network? a) 100-1000 meters b) Up to 100km c) C) 1-100km d) D) 10-100 km e) E) Upto 10km 17. VPN helps to keep our connections Secure and protects our devices. What is the expansion of VPN? a) Virtually Protected Network b) Virtual Procured c) Virtual Private Network d) Virtual public Network e) Virtually Personalized Network 18. OSI model is developed by International Organization for Standarization, OSI Stands for ? a) Open-Source Interconnection b) Open Secured Interconnection c) Open Standard Interconnection d) Open Systems Interconnection e) Open session Interconnection 19. Error Detection/correction is done by Which layer of OSI model? a) Network layer b) Transport Layer c) Data link layer d) Physical Layer e) Application Layer 20. Which of the following is the Example of Data link protocol? a) ICMP b) PPP c) FDDI d) Except B e) Except A 21. Which Layer Translates the Logical adderess into Physical Address? a) Transport Layer b) Network layer c) Data link layer d) Physical Layer e) Application Layer 22. TCP, UDP is the Example of Transport Layer.What is the expansion of UDP ? a) User Defined Protocol b) Unified Datagram Protocol c) Unique Delimitation Protocol d) User Datagram Protocol e) Unlimited Data Protocol 23. What is the expansion of D in CDMA? a) Direct b) Defined c) Data d) Devide e) Division 24. Application layer uses which of the following protocol/protocols? a) SOCKETS b) SSH c) ECN d) DNS e) IP 25. What is the Abbreviation of PSTN? a) Pocket Switching Telephone Network b) Pubic Standard Telephone Network c) Public Secured Telephone Network d) Private Standard Telephone Network e) Public Switched Telephone Network 26. What is the Expansion of M in MAC? a) Multiple b) Maximum c) Multiplex d) Medium e) Minimal 27. Ethernet is the set of technologies & Protocols. It was Standardized by ----- Standard? a) IEEE 803.2 b) IEEE 802.4 c) IEEE 802.3 d) IEEE 804.3 e) IEEE 803.3 28. In a Token-Ring Network, how many computer can send data at a time? a) Maximum 2 b) Infinity c) 4 d) Minimum 3 e) 1 29. In 7 layers of OSI, Which Layer is the most Important Layer? a) Application layer b) 2nd layer c) Transport layer d) 3rd e) Session layer 30. Which of the following is/are the fundamental of DBMS? a) Instructions b) Data c) Information d) Both B&C e) Both A&B 31. IDMS is one of the popular Network Data base, what is I in IDMS? a) Identical b) Initial c) Information d) Integrated e) Independent 32. In which of the Following database model,Data are arranged in a tree like Structure? a) Network database model b) Relational database model c) Hierarchical database model d) All database model e) Except b database model 33. Which of the following is correct, about Database Table a) A column of table denoted as Record b) Tables also called as Data shelves c) A column of table denoted as Field d) Both column & row of the table called as Record e) None is correct 34. Query is simply questions against a set of data how many types of Queries are there? a) 3 b) 4 c) 2 d) 6 e) 5 35. Which of the is/ are the types of forms,in DBMS? a) Simple Form b) Complex Form c) Both A& B d) Composite Form e) Both A&D 36. Which of the following are examples of Relational Database? a) SQL Server b) IBM DB2 c) MY SQL d) Except B e) All of the above 37. Which layer of DBMS is responsible for allocating Space to Data? a) Physical level b) Conceptual level c) External level d) View Schema e) None of the above 38. Which is true, Regarding DBMS architecture? a) Internal level-Highest level of architecture b) DBMS has 4 levels of architecture c) Conceptual level-lowest level of architecture d) Internal level uses subschema e) Logical level-higher than physical level 39. Choose the incorrect Match, About DBMS? a) Physical level called as Internal level b) Conceptual level called as logical level c) All are correct d) External schema also known as virtual schema e) Highest level- External level 40. SQL was developed at IBM, by whom ? a) Donald D Chamberlin b) Thomas Kin c) Charles Edward d) Thomas Kennady e) Mec Robbin