September 02


    Dear champions, Welcome to the Daily Current Affairs Quiz "September 02". Your total score and the points you scored will be displayed at the end of the Quiz or after the time out.

    1. World coconut day is observed on September 2 every year. Recently which among the following states have been approved as the members of Cocnut board in India according to cabinet approval?

    2. Abishek Agarwal belongs to which sport?

    3. Cristiano Ronaldo surpassed Ali Daei’s record in scoring most international goals. Ali Daei belongs to which country?

    4. Chandan Mitra passed away. He was a politician and a _______?

    5. Siddharth Shukla passed away. He acted in which among the following TV shows?

    6. India’s leading milk producer Amul has been ranked 18th in Rabobank global diary Top 20 index. Rabobank is a multinational banking and financial services company from which among the following countries?

    7. Which among the following Indian institutions have found a mention in THE- Times Higher education ranking- World university Rankings 2022?

    8. With regards to IMF, SDR -Special Drawing Rights is allocated to countries in 5 currencies. Which among the following is not one of them?

    9. Microsoft has partnered with Ed4All and NIOS to empower students in which field?

    10. Dorje Angchuk from Ladakh became the first Indian to be inducted as Honorary Member of IAU – International Astronomical Union. Where is the headquarters of IAU?

    11. RBI to setup 5 member panel headed by whom for NUE- New Umbrella Entity licenses.?

    12. Anand Vihar railway station is one among the 5-star ‘Eat Right station’. It is located at which state/UT?

    13. Nalban Bird Sanctuary is located in which state?

    14. China has developed a prototype miniature helicopter for Mars mission that is similar to NASA’s Mars Helicopter named what?

    15. 5th edition of KAZIND-21, joint military exercise between India and Kazakhstan held at which place?

    16. Kerala decided to set-up a unified information system for effective implementation of various social welfare schemes named what?

    17. Jammu & Kashmir UT – Union territory has launched SAATH initiative for which among the following people?

    18. Union Minister for Information & Broadcasting, Shri.Anurag Singh Thakur inaugurated which edition of BRICS film technology symposium?

    19. Which among the following national parks is the India’s largest ?

    20. IMF director Kristalina Georgiva is from which country?

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