July 22


    Dear champions, Welcome to the Daily Current Affairs Quiz "July 22". Your total score and the points you scored will be displayed at the end of the Quiz or after the time out.

    1. ADB – Asian Development Bank approves $165 million loan for Nepal to purchase COVID-19 vaccine. The current PM of Nepal Sher Bahadur Deuba has been sworn in for _____ Time.

    2. Who among the following is one of the 25 members of UN Tax committee?

    3. Russia’s long delayed lab module to Space station named what is launched from Baikanour, Kazakhastan?

    4. How many space modules has been launched by Russia to ISS- International Space station till now (2021included)

    5. The Seventh batch of 3 Rafale fighter jets arrived at Hasimara airbase station located at which State?

    6. India and UK conducted Konkan Naval Exercise in Bay of Bengal. Name the airforce exercise between India & UK?

    7. KVIC has assigned the work of evaluation of Honey Mission to which Credit Rating Agency?

    8. PLI for Speciality steel – Rs.6322crore has been approved. What does P in PLI stand for?

    9. Wings India-Biennial airbase exhibition at Telangana is jointly organized by Ministry of Civil Aviation and which of the following?

    10. Andhra CM disbured Rs. 490.8 crore under which scheme for women?

    11. APEDA collaborates with Ladakh to boost farmer’s income. What is the target year of the Union Territory to achieve Organic UT feet?

    12. Who among the following is the chairman of APEDA- Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority?

    13. India will have a fleet strength of 2500 aircraft by which year?

    14. SFRUTI- Scheme of Funds for Regeneration of Traditional industries is implemented by which among the following?

    15. MSME champions Portal was launched by whom in 2020?

    16. Which among the following is the Britain’s largest warship?

    17. Woo chung Um has been appointed as Managing Director General of Asian Development Bank. He belongs to which country?

    18. Begumpet Airport is located in which state?

    19. Russian President Vladimir Putin is likely to remain in the Ofdice till which year?

    20. Where is the Headquarters of CGFTMSE- Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises?

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