🌇 Morning Tales | Error Detection Home Work | October 27

    Hello Champs Here is the Home work questions. Kindly Answer the given Questions.

    In this Video we have been discussed about some of the error detection.
    We have also attached the home work post where you can practice the Error spotting regarding the concept explained in the video.


    1) A large Number (A) / of sand is needed (B) / for this renovation (C) / No Eror (D).
    2) Sharukh was (A) / sad and did not (B) / feel well today (C) / No Error (D).
    3) we are trying to make (A) / an amicable solution (B) / on this immense problems (C) / No Error (D).
    4) She speaks (A) / Hindi good (B) / No Error (C).
    5) We can create (A) / a number of AI (B) / related projects (C) / No Error (D)


    1) A large Number (A) / of sand is needed (B) / for this renovation (C) / No Eror (D).
    Ans (A).
    Replace ‘Number’ with Amount; Since sand = Uncountable things
    A large amount of sand is needed for the project.

    2) Sharukh was (A) / sad and did not (B) / feel well today (C) / No Error (D).
    Ans (C).
    Replace ‘Well’ with ‘good’; To express regarding our emotional state,use ‘good’ .
    Sharukh was sad and did not feel good today.

    3) we are trying to make (A) / an amicable solution (B) / on this immense problems (C) / No Error (D).
    Ans (C).
    Replace ‘this’ with ‘these’; Here ‘Problems’ plural, So use ‘these’.
    we are trying to make an amicable solution on these immense problems.

    4) She speaks (A) / Hindi good (B) / No Error (C).
    Ans (B).
    Replace ‘good’ with ‘ Well’
    Well – Adverb , used to qualify verb
    Good – Adjective, used with Noun
    She speaks Hindi Well

    5) We can create (A) / a number of AI (B) / related projects (C) / No Error (D)
    Ans (E) No Error.
    We can create a number of AI related Projects.

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